Blanka is something of a local legend in Brazil, and
his origin was shrouded in mystery. His real name is Jimmy, and his plane went
down over the Brazilian rain forest when he was only six years old. Blanka was
raised by animals in the Amazon, and it was from them that he learned several
fighting techniques that made him into a formidable fighter. How he acquired
his bestial appearance was unknown, but it suited his fighting style well.
Blanka remained hidden deep in the Amazon, living a carefree existance while
rumors of a monster spread to the nearby villages. One day, he unwittingly
hitched a ride on a poachers' car that was leaving the forest. Curious about
the things he saw while on his journey, he began to venture into the world
outside the rain forest. In order to test his fighting prowess, Blanka began
to challenge local fighters. From there, his legend grew and he began to
attract the attention of fighters from around the world. Many came to
challenge him, including Dan. Blanka defeated Dan, and
later saved his life when Dan got into trouble. Dan did not forget Blanka's
kindness, and returned several years later to offer Blanka membership in his
new Saikyo dojo. Blanka declined Dan's offer, but did take his advice to
travel the world to prove his skills.
In an attempt to discover his origin, and test his skills, Blanka entered the
second World Warrior tournament. He faced off against Ken
in his native Brazil, and was eventually defeated by the powerful
warrior. The day was not a total loss, however. The attention Blanka had
recieved had allowed his long lost mother to locate him. She had seen his
picture in a Brazilian newspaper, and even though his appearance had changed
she still recognized her son. She met with Blanka after his defeat, revealed
her identity to him and correctly identified him as Jimmy. Happy to be reunited
with his mother after such a long time, Blanka returned to live with his mother
and has not entered a competition since. Many believe, however, that is only a
matter of time before the fearless Beast of Brazil returns to the fight.