Ibuki is a young schoolgirl who is a member of the
secret Shinobi School of Ninjitsu, which has been rumored to exist since the
early Sengoku period of early Japan. The clan takes on government missions and
operates in the shadows. Ibuki is the daughter and pupil of the ninja master
Geki. Even though her life as a ninja has forced her
to grow up prematurely, Ibuki still acts like a typical Japanese girl. Ibuki
entered the third World Warriors tournament at the request of her elders. At
the age of sixteen, it was her first mission for her clan. With her best
friend Sarai in tow, Ibuki infiltrated the headquarters of Gill and his
underworld armada. She came face to face with Necro,
who was sicced on her by Gill. Saved by Alex, she
confronted a beaten Gill, and retrieved the "G-Files,"
rumored to be plans for the mass-construction of more super-soldiers such as
Necro. However, as Gill retreated he told Ibuki that there was nothing she or
anyone could do to stop the project, as it was already too late. She then
returned home with Sarai and the files, and continued to train for her next